she found herself meshtified within her own skin





/me cracks her knuckles

Hello everyone!  Now I’ve got alot to cover so please bare with me.

My rezz day 26 April 2008 so I’ve been around.  I can say I have not learned much about building or things that could actually result in me being a creator in SL unfortunately.  I am just too good of a consumer.  You know.. support the industry that supports you. Thats my excuse and I don’t know how much longer the hubby will buy it XD

But I have been logged out for close to a year now and upon my return I can see a whole lot of mesh!  Now, be mindful that in my gaming SL I have used a laptop.. until recently.  I am now on a PC and I thought, I will go the full hog with the mesh craze.

Since I don’t do things in halves I went the whole kit and kaboodle.  I am going to go into a bit of detail because I think some of this information may be helpful for those of you that may want to invest in a new mesh look.  I haven’t done any comparisons with other mesh products on the markets.

I went into search and typed “mesh head” and the first result was the The Mesh Project. which is located here.

Now the first thing I did was buy a body.  TIP:  When you put on the body get naked.  When I first put it on it looked like i had while rolls hanging from me.  Was not attractive.  I got the #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body(f).  I should point out that you land at the The Mesh Project sim, you will be given a folder called TheShops! Huds & More.  It is important to wear the Huds if you want to try things on or to buy products.  I also had to credit the hud to buy products.

In the folder it got:

  1. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body(f)
  2. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body(f) – Alpha Hud
  3. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Feet(f) Bare/Low/Mid/High/Ouch!
  4. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Hands(f) – Clutch Pose(l) and (r)
  5. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Hands(f) – Handle Pose(l) and (r)
  6. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Hands(f) – Hold Pose(l) and (r)
  7. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Hands(f) – Natural  Pose(l) and (r) which is what I am wearing in these pictures.
  8. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Hands(f) – Relaxed Pose(l) and (r)
  9. (Wear Me!) (Body/Hands/Feet) Alpha
  10. (Wear Me!) (Whole Body) Alpha
  11. The Mesh Project! (Wear Me!) High Heel Mid Heel Low heel Ouch! Heel

At the time of this post #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body(f) cost L$5K

Then I bought the #TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(f) – Fierce (Deluxe).  In its folder you get:

  1. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(f) – Fierce (Deluxe)
  2. #TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(f) – Fierce (Deluxe) RETROFIT
  3. (Wear Me!) (Body/Hands/Feet) alpha
  4. (Wear Me!) (Head Only) alpha
  5. (Wear Me!) (RETROFIT Head Only)
  6. (Wear Me!) (Whole Body w/Standard Eyes) (which is what I am wearing)
  7. (Wear Me!) (Whole Body)
  8. Some help NCs and lms)

At the time of this post the #TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(f) – Fierce (Deluxe) cost L$5K

Now, I am no expert so do not take anything I say here as gospel.  I have played with this avatar for maybe 2 hours and not tried on the different layers parts etc.  However, from what I understand, if you want to wear the head only, I BELIEVE you wear the RETROFIT head with the RETROFIT head only alpha.  But please.. try it out.

I also bought THESKINSHOP (09) (SKIN) ‘Deja’ (Fit).  In this folder you get the following:

  1. THESKINSHOP (09) (SKIN) ‘Deja’ (Fit) (Bold)
  2. THESKINSHOP (09) (SKIN) ‘Deja’ (Fit) (Soft)

and the following tattoo layers:

  3. THESKINSHOP (09) (CLEAVAGE) ‘Plump’
  4. THESKINSHOP (09) (FACE) ‘Deja’ (Soft)
  5. THESKINSHOP (09) (SKIN) ‘Deja’ (Fit) (Bold)

The cost for this pack was L$1K

I then picked up two packs of lipstick:

THESKINSHOP (09) (LIPSTICK) ‘Flirtatious’ (Warm Reds) which has five different shades of red (L$500)

THESKINSHOP (09) (LIPSTICK) ‘Juicy’ (Cremes) which also has five different shades of nudes (L$500)

THESKINSHOP (09) (HAIRBASE) ‘Classic’ (Platinum Hair) (L$250)

THESKINSHOP (09) (EYEBROWS) ‘Sexy’ (Dark Brown) (L$250)

I am VERY happy with how I look.  I have always had a bit of a babyface so there was a Babydoll option for the face I wanted to try something different in going forward.

In the photos above there is minimal edit, I adjust the contrast and colour a tiny bit, cropped and used inworld depth of field and had my graphic turned up High.

The picture below was taken with my graphics at Low and zero editing.  Not even cropped.

meshtified low graphics no edit raw


So for now, this is the new Ananya.  I may tinker end up with the other heads but I will rock this for a little while.

Windlight:  Annan Adored Optimal Skin (no shadows).  This was in the list of windlights for Firestorm Viewer for SecondLife

2 Replies to “she found herself meshtified within her own skin”

  1. […] So I am still on a buyers high following my spend at The Mesh Project. which is located here.  If you want to read about it, you can do so here. […]

  2. […] Ok I know I know.. I am spamming the feeds with all of my posts (here and here) and now just plain darn narcistic selfies but omg I am just O.O over these mesh heads and […]

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